Saturday, December 9, 2006

Well, Now What?

Any chance of this so-called professor appearing and finally solving this mystery for good has almost dwindled away. So, whats left to do?

Thinking along the lines of the comments left the other day, here are the things we can still do to find the answer,

  • Find the name of the asylum that A. Kuplin stayed at.

  • Find the name of the magazine that printed the scan.

  • Does the Russian Museum have any information, anyone try contacting them yet?

  • Anybody go to the museum where the painting is at, talked to the curator?

  • Where are either of his paintings located? Are they in the same museum?

If anybody has information, please pass it along. The only thing I would like to know at this point is why he was in the mental institution. What afflicted him?

I see someone has asked and received no reply at the museum's message boards,

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